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Join the Pac Arts team!


Each year, hundreds of volunteers contribute time and talents to advance our movement! We could not operate our year-round programs without them. Whether you have five hours or five days to give, love the arts or are just curious, have mad skills or are a jack-of-all-trades, Pac Arts welcomes you!


For more information, please contact Managing Director Glenn Heath Jr. at glenn@pacarts.org or 619-400-5907.

To sign up for our Volunteers Email List where you will receive occasional notices about opportunities, please sign up here: Volunteers List.

Have your company listed as an in-kind sponsor by coordinating a volunteer group of four or more employees to cover a four-hour shift during the festival![/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”45px”][vc_column_text]



  • Interact with thousands of moviegoers
  • Meet filmmakers from around the world
  • For every complete shift you will receive one volunteer voucher
  • Enjoy films from over 50 countries
  • Meet new people
  • Be part of a team of over 600 dedicated and hardworking volunteers

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