Carmela Prudencio

Carmela Prudencio

Director of Marketing & Communications

Carmela Prudencio (she/they) is a nonprofit communications professional, curator, visual artist, and community organizer in San Diego. As Marketing and Communications Director, she is passionate about storytelling and amplifying community voices through activism, film, visual arts, and youth mentorship.


In her organizing work, she works on city and county levels to promote racial equity emphasizing intersectionality and community care. As a high energy creative and fierce advocate, she is ambitious in creating spaces with her community that activate joy, foster a sense of belonging, and emphasize collective strength. Through crafting meaningful messages and community activations, she is dedicated to empowering communities and creating enduring social change.


She has collaborated with various art institutions and grassroots organizations throughout the San Diego/Tijuana region and has exhibited work in Tijuana, MX and Quezon City, PH. Carmela has worked with the Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego Underground Film Festival, San Diego Latino Film Festival, Convoy Cultural District and numerous arts institutions and grassroots organizations. She is currently a co-conspirator and curator at Teros Gallery, and a member of Asian Solidarity Collective.